Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Xbox One reveal an EPIC FAIL (so far)

I don’t even know where to start after digesting everything that is/was the Xbox One reveal.  Normally, I would start with the wow factor, but there wasn’t any!  This isn’t the ravings of a mad fanboy, but one from a gamer who truly enjoys being immersed in fantastic games no matter the system.   And from the looks of it (albeit a short look) it doesn’t look like Microsoft is for the game, just their money.
I wasn’t pleased with the media/entertainment/TV focus of Xbox One’s reveal, but I’m sure Microsoft is waiting for E3 to satiate the gamers.  But M$ may have lost the new console war before it even starts!
 I went from mildly stoked to completely pissed off in a matter of moments with the “reveal” that Xbox One would require all games to be installed on the HDD before playing.  They’ve also confirmed that you will be able to play on multiple systems as long as you’re logged into your profile.  Sounds like a good workaround right, right?  But what about those who aren’t hooked up to the web?  In so many words, I guess they’re just saying “sucks to be you!” 
We’re also not getting backwards compatibility because of some technological mumbo jumbo about not using cell processing or some crap.
But to set this whole ship ablaze, M$ has confirmed that they would FULLY SUPPORT used games, but you have to pay a fee in order to play it.  Ok, so maybe they’re thinking a couple bucks, but no these greedy muthaf***as are asking for full, FULL MSRB aka full effin price to play a used effin game.  I’m not a genius in any way, but what they’re saying is that if you buy a used game on Xbox One then you’re stupid!  With this method they might as well call themselves John Locke when they’re really the Smoke Monster trying to kill us all!  Back in October, I wrote a post documenting the rumblings amongst developers being against used games and here we are 7 months later with my nightmares come true!
But at least the new and improved Kinect will be able to read our heartbeat now!

[EDITOR'S NOTE] Microsoft is currently dismissing the rumors of the used game "unlock" fee, so we'll keep our ears to the streets
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