About Me

About me…hmm…28 years of life with at least 25 of those years entrenched in gaming.  I grew up with Mario and Zelda teaching me that I had to shoot hot fire or have the biggest sword to get the girl, but soon learned from John Madden that I just had to bring the “BOOM!” and I would be “in the game.”  My two young squires of Gamedom are slowly learning the art of gaming and may slowly take over the Gamedom (but not anytime soon).
 But enough with hyperbole…in my house games are pretty much prevalent in every facet of life, but none as much as the XBox 360. If you’re here in the Gamedom to get information about games on the Wii or PS3, you’re out of luck.  I will gladly take your PS3 to add to my collection (I’m just playing, unless you gonna do it).
As a gamer I’m proudly a sports junkie, but I am addicted to any game that has an engrossing story to tell.   My wife likes to call me a nerd anytime Skyrim goes into the tray, but “It’s the age of the geek” and I doubt it will be changing anytime soon.
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