
 3 minds join to discuss Jay-Z's Samsung commercial

So last night during the NBA Finals, Jay-Z and Samsung unleashed a commercial/mini-documentary unveiling Jay-Z’s new album, Magna Carta Holy Grail.  If you haven’t seen it here you go [for some reason I can't embed the video]:

For me, I just set back in awe at how Jay-Z has supplanted the idea of a hip-hop star.  Granted he along with the likes of Ice T, Ice Cube, Sean Combs, and Snoop (I refuse to call him Lion) Dogg, have long been seen as multifaceted stars, but Jay seems to never misstep any of his ventures.
I asked two of my friends how they felt watching the commercial and what I got was much more than I expected so I decided to post it for everyone to see.  Here’s what transpired:
I know you saw that Jay-Z commercial last night! I know Jay has superseded hip-hop but when you're using Samsung commercial/mini-documentary to unleash a new album...WOW!!!!!!!!
 The Illuminati must be so proud j/k
I saw it. I was at a loss when Samsung Galaxy came on the screen at the end. Further leads me to question Jay-Z's musical genius vs. willingness to be used as marketing ploy. I feel like the ratio has grown to 30-70. How old is he? About 45 yrs old?
WOW, really?!? I never EVER thought about it that way.  I'm more in the line of use them as much as they'll use you.  I would argue that Jay is a marketing genius more than a musical genius!  He was able to get Executive Producer credit on NBA 2K13 even with no form of discernible video game developing skills.  AND he just did the soundtrack for the Great Gatsby?  Why? I couldn't tell you.
I think it will benefit Samsung more than it will benefit Jay-Z which is why Samsung already bought 1 million copies. Imo I think its a dope idea other genres have been doing stuff like this for years time to step outside the box
I think that it will help Jay more! True, Samsung is giving out a free copy to Samsung Galaxy users, but that's only 1 million copies.  That's a lot, but I don't think that's going to make people, more specifically IPhone users, run and jump ship.  I think this helps Jay out the most easily.  People have been saying for a LONG time that Jay has fallen off and this gets people genuinely excited for his next album.
When's the last time the world was abuzz for a Jay album?  The Black Album?
yep I agree with that.  So Jay-Z is basically using Samsung as a pawn and a way to enable  a portion of the people who download via album leaks, torrents ect... and still manage to get paid which is key.  So maybe Jay-Z is the lone beneficiary lol

Yeah, "I can't knock the hustle" as long as there is a purpose to the hustle. Get money with a purpose.  Hopefully at some point 100s of millions is a enough and you begin to place it back into the community at a high rate, so that other people will see it and follow that example. He's benefited more than anyone from the rise of hip-hop. People passed on and it got bigger. Execs said "How can we use this? Who can we use?" He said "Pay me and you can use me." 2K, the Nets, Live Nation, Drinks, apparel etc. Can't knock the hustle as long as there's a purpose, otherwise its using you. I didn't think of it this way until I saw that commercial last night though. I was like, "Are they highlighting him musically or his marketability?"
I wish I could argue his Robin Hood merits, but I truly don't know if he's contributing back to the community in need at a high rate.  We know about his contributions during 9/11, but I don't know if there's been anything since.  But if there has, we know that the media isn't going to highlight those contributions.  And this goes with pretty much all celebrities!  I think the difference though is that even if he's being used for his marketability; his name is still bigger than whatever he's marketing.  No one is saying, “did you see the new Samsung commercial with Jay-Z?”  So who's actually using who?
He's getting money and his name is marketable, but what is his name worth? I tell people I know Aaron Love and if people know him too, they'll say "Yeah, Aaron, that's a good dude. Really helped me out when I needed it. Really steered me in the right direction." I know your pops but from what you've told me and my one interaction with him, I know he's got a good name. Before dropped that circle (inside joke), I was in here working all of those hours. Could have got it twisted thinking the cash flow had anything to do with my name. Thankfully I didn't.
 Age old question. For you how much would be enough?
I really [sic] thinking this through and at first I said 100m is enough for me, but then I said 10m is enough.  Now I'm thinking that 1m is enough. No need to work. I could invest and live off the 100k yearly return. I'd say 2m to be safe. I could provide for my loved ones and take them on vacay. What is your number?
Here's the thing though, 1 mil would be amazing!  But you're telling me that you wouldn't work anymore or the work you did do you wouldn't charge?  I know that's not what you're saying, but I'm playing devil's advocate here.  With the rising costs of education, I don't see 1-2 million being enough.  If I had to say a number, I would say 10 mil would be enough.  But what do you do then? Obviously, I'm giving back...but then what?  I obviously would quit [removed company name] for 1 million, but I have to do something and is everything else just done pro bono? I don't like to do anything for free now, so if I had the ability to be paid and still remain a upstanding member of society, then CTC!!!
I get your point completely, but that's one thing that we can't measure b/c we can't go to Soundscans to see what Sean Carter has actually done without a marketing machine behind him.  Even the likes of Oprah and other celebrity philanthropist aren't getting every positive act done in the community reported b/c that's not what the media cares to report.
Its funny b/c I asked Nat this question in regards to Events by Love and initially she said having a sufficient number of brides so we could live comfortably.  Almost immediately, she switched it up and said she wants to take over the industry and become the go-to planner in the city.  And then she wants to venture out and teach and offer other services and use her name (and company name) to generate more revenue all while doing less.
Is this not what Jay is doing?
This conversation is making me realize some things. Some for the first time, and some for the second and third.
Working here may have been one of the best things to happen for me. It's helped me devalue money. When I was working a lot, you being in my ear telling me to dip was key. Helped reinforce that the stress wasn't worth it. That Kanye, "Did you realize you were champion in their eyes" was hugely underrated. This reminds [sic] my father eventually started doing business and living partly in Maryland and maybe even Orlando. Even as recently as like 4 years ago he would talk about what he'd do when finally got "this money".  He's always talked more about money than anything else. To people that actually care about you the money doesn't matter, the time and effort does. If the love of money is the root of all evil then what is the endless pursuit?
I know the media doesn't report charitable contributions regularly. Recently found out that Steve Jobs family started a for profit business so that they could give money and it stay private.  Nonprofits have to report donors. That way they don't receive recognition. Which is truly altruistic. Just not sure if true sacrificial altruism exists in hip-hop and to what degree.
Kareem says all the time, "If money is moving you better make sure you're getting some." So yeah, if I'm generating money for some company than I'm getting my cut. The number is presuming you're nothing [sic] working. You find a suitcase.
The reason why I didn't text you last night about the commercial was b/c I knew (at least I hoped) you would bring some interesting insight besides "Jay-Z, Rick Rubin, Pharrell, Swizzy, Timbo all in the same room....FIYAH!!!!" 
We mentioned before the Disease of More in relation to winning multiple championships, but the same disease comes with money as well. Money can't buy you happiness, it sure in the hell can buy you comfortabilty (is that even a word) which can make one happy to be comfortable financially.  But if you have nothing backing that...nothing to actually make you happy then the money is practically useless.
So to harken back to your original question, I think enough is when you start to measure money as a means of happiness.  I'm happy going home to Nat and the boys knowing that everything we NEED is handled.  Would I like more? Sure why not, but more wouldn't make me happier. 
But just know that I'm searching for that aforementioned suitcase!


Steve Urkel...Fashion Icon?!?!?

Steven. Q. Urkel. 
Steve Urkel was the 90’s. Period. Point. Blank.
Jaleel White’s Steve went from a one time guest spot to lead role in TGIF/ABC’s Family Matters (which could’ve also been called Black Full House).
Even though Urkel’s popularity swelled throughout the years, he was still a nerd of legend! Stereotypical large glasses, tight jeans, suspenders, and pocket protector were standard fare for Steve and not once did America look at him as a teen heartthrob or fashion icon.  This all makes sense because Steve first appeared in December 1989!

Fast forward 24 years to 2013, and you realize Urkel was just a man way ahead of his time.  Just think about it…chic geek is an incredibly popular style right now!  If the Steve Urkel’s character was around today, he would have his own clothing line a la Russell Westbrook’s Levi Collection.

These are what Steve Urkel specs looked like:

In ’89 these things were a joke!  In 2013, you have stars such as Dwyane Wade, Justin Timberlake, and Selena Gomez willingly rocking the large framed-rims.

That’s not all!  Urkel was wearing skinny jeans before skinny jeans even knew about skinny jeans.  Back then they were just considered tight ass jeans though!
Now if you go into almost any retail store, skinny jeans are commonplace.  Even the suspenders are acceptable in common garb.
Now I’m not here to hate on the chic geek trend, but it’s only appropriate to recognize the brilliance that is Steven Q Urkel… a man ahead of his time.

But even the Urk Man wouldn't be caught dead wearing this nonsense!


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