Monday, January 2, 2012

Welcome to the Gamedom

As I’ve slowly descended into the workforce, I’ve noticed my creative juices reaching an all time low.  Matter of fact, let’s keep it real…I’m getting flat out dumb.  Rewind back to five years ago and I could be your human thesaurus ask me now and you get a confused stare.  Growing up I always had a “jack-of-all-trades” mojo going for me; basketball, baseball, football, golf, tennis, hell even badminton, but once the sun went down I always went back to my 1st love…video games!  Let’s see: Atari check, Nintendo check, SNES check, Sega Genesis check, Nintendo 64 check…and so on and so forth.  So here I am trying to make my 1st love (writing) and my mistress (video games) coincide.
Here in the Gamedom will read weekly rants, reviews, and random randomness that spark what little juices I have left…enjoy the journey because I know I will.

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