Sunday, March 17, 2013

It's been over a year and more to come.


I can’t believe that it’s been over a year since I created this blog.  It doesn’t even feel like it’s been that long, but in reality it all started back in November 2011! 

I was coming home from my brother’s house and I was explaining to my wife how upset I was with my brother for letting his son buy the awful terrible sh*tty Tony Hawk Pro Skater and she was like, “Aaron, my love, you are an exceptional writer and with your absurd amount of video game knowledge, you should develop a blog!”  Ok she didn’t quite phrase it like that, but she did foster the idea.

I’ve made significant strides, both as a writer and gamer, within this year long journey and it’s been a blast sharing it with you all.

Before you start getting nervous…this is not a farewell post! 

What this IS, however, is a pause on new material while I reconfigure my settings.
Apollo’s Gamedom will never die, as video games a passion for me, but I don’t want to limit my writing as a whole either.

So starting today, I’m going to take a few steps back while I begin transforming the Gamedom into something bigger and better.  Video games will still be a main focus, but I will also lend my “absurd knowledge” to the world of sports, movies, entertainment, historical relevancy, literature, and other stuff.

I’m not sure how long this upgrade will take, so until then I will keep you updated with the progress and in the down time I’ll keep Name that Game running as long as I continue to get submissions.  I will also “feature” some older post that you may have been missed.

Once again, THANK YOU to everyone and I look forward to your continued support.

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