Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Steve Urkel...A Fashion Icon?!?!?

Steven. Q. Urkel. 
Steve Urkel was the 90’s. Period. Point. Blank.
Jaleel White’s Steve went from a one time guest spot to lead role in TGIF/ABC’s Family Matters (which could’ve also been called Black Full House).
Even though Urkel’s popularity swelled throughout the years, he was still a nerd of legend! Stereotypical large glasses, tight jeans, suspenders, and pocket protector were standard fare for Steve and not once did America look at him as a teen heartthrob or fashion icon.  This all makes sense because Steve first appeared in December 1989!

Fast forward 24 years to 2013, and you realize Urkel was just a man way ahead of his time.  Just think about it…chic geek is an incredibly popular style right now!  If the Steve Urkel’s character was around today, he would have his own clothing line a la Russell Westbrook’s Levi Collection.

These are what Steve Urkel specs looked like:

In ’89 these things were a joke!  In 2013, you have stars such as Dwyane Wade, Justin Timberlake, and Selena Gomez willingly rocking the large framed-rims.

That’s not all!  Urkel was wearing skinny jeans before skinny jeans even knew about skinny jeans.  Back then they were just considered tight ass jeans though!
Now if you go into almost any retail store, skinny jeans are commonplace.  Even the suspenders are acceptable in common garb.
Now I’m not here to hate on the chic geek trend, but it’s only appropriate to recognize the brilliance that is Steven Q Urkel… a man ahead of his time.

But even the Urk Man wouldn't be caught dead wearing this nonsense!

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