Thursday, April 26, 2012

Dirty Secrets

I’ll keep you my dirty little secret,” well up until now!  I’m not gonna lie, I’m completely ripping this concept from IGN[1] , but as I’ve learned all too quickly that no idea is an original one anymore.  But anyway, I’m here to tell you my darkest gaming secrets…

  • I REFUSE to play survival horror games.

Its not that I don’t think these games are any good, it’s just the fact that I’m scared shitless.  I blame it on Resident Evil (and they day I went to a haunted house with my older cousin and she basically choked me the entire way thru) back in day because that scared the bejeezus of me from the get-go.  I’m not one of those people who get a rush out of being scared; it stresses me out (probably from my near death experience at the haunted house) and I don’t want my gaming experience to be mired with stress.  So even though I really want to play the Dead Space series; I will continue to play the responsible dad card and claim “I don’t want to bring that kind of game home.” 

  • I don’t get into FPS

Yes, I know…how blasphemous!  But let me clarify, I enjoy getting out there and blasting away at whatever comes in front of my crosshairs, but I feel like a lot of FPS are just like most summer blockbusters…mindless entertainment (or a poorly attempted cash grab).  In a lot of FPS’s, there is no depth.  Run, shoot, repeat!  Done right, a FPS can keep me coming back for hours, but few actually execute.

  • I LOVE playing games on easy difficulty[2]

I may be being a little too transparent now, but let’s be real.  Some games are just more fun played on easy!  Some may think I’m cheapening my experience, but that couldn’t be further from the truth.  Just think about it, most games just add cheap deaths and more enemies to increase the difficulty.  It’s not like you’re facing tougher A.I., in most cases, so instead of 2 hits to kill a soldier it now takes 8!  That doesn’t make things more challenging, just more frustrating.  Now, I don’t play all my games easy, but for those random games (X-Men Destiny, Prototype) that are only worth one playthrough…easy it is!

  • I have never completed any of the Grand Theft Auto games

Yea, yea, yea…I know, I know, I know!  How can I call myself a gamer if I haven’t completed any of the amazing titles?  But it’s true; I always get about half way through the game and either I get bored or overwhelmed and eventually stop playing.  The one exception was GTA IV, my kid somehow erased everything off the hard drive and I was too frustrated to even pick the game back up, still am!  I realize that when it comes to open world games, I always come up short on finishing the game.  L.A. Noire and Red Dead Redemption have both seen the same fate as the GTA series…maybe it’s Rockstar Games’ fault for my ineptitude.

Well, I’ve finally broken down and exposed myself…hope you enjoyed it because it won’t happen again (Judge’s orders)!

[2] Sports games are not included!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Greed Corner

“For the Love of Money” by the O’Jays is a classic and has been used in popular culture from TV shows to movies, but as of recently it should be the theme song for the video game industry.  Now I know, all I’ve talked about is how much I love video games and that much hasn’t changed (and never will), but I will ALWAYS be transparent with my thoughts. 

So Mass Effect 3 just came out on March 6, 2012, and so far it’s been an amazing experience, but upon picking up the game I was asked if I wanted to buy the new DLC, “From Ashes” for $10.  The guy at Gamestop broke down everything that would come with the DLC (new Prothean character w/ mission, alternate attires, and Particle rifle) and knowing that once my wife reads this she will kill me, I bought it without a second thought. 

Worth $10 extra???
Now that I’ve played through this mission and used Javic on numerous missions, I came to two conclusions; Javic is effin awesome and how in the blue bloody hell can BioWare justify charging an additional $10 for something that should be on the disc from the start.  This isn’t like Zaiid or Kasumi from Mass Effect 2, Javic (albeit a new character) being of the Prothean race has been featured heavily throughout the entire series, so why wouldn’t BioWare just add this amazingly crafted story into the main disc, I’ll tell you why “For the Love of Money!”  Yes, ME3 is a very complete game without the addition of Javic, but that’s only if you didn’t know any better.  After playing through the game, I can not imagine the game being complete without the addition of the Prothean.  I’m sure that can be construed into a compliment, but it’s as far removed from being complimentary as possible.  I’m not completely against the Day 1 DLC when it’s done properly (or as a pre-order bonus); but “From Ashes,” amazing experience aside, was BioWare forcing gamers to pay $70 bucks for the proper ME3 experience.


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