Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Back in the day when...

I was watching my son play The Amazing Spider-Man last night and I found myself becoming increasingly frustrated with his skills or lack thereof.  It wasn’t until today that it donned on me that growing up a gamer is a hell of a lot harder today than it was with Nintendo and nem.  For some, you’re thinking “no shit, Sherlock!” but as my wife would attest, I’m much slower than most!


Just think about the games you played as a kid and the systems you were playing on…for me it was Nintendo, SNES, and Sega Genesis.  My 1st controller had 2 buttons!  That seems absurd in today’s gaming world.  Not saying that games are easier/harder, but I am saying that the game mechanics were easier to master. 

Take a look at my generation’s 1st controllers and you can see that simplicity made for a much easier time.

Two buttons. TWO-AH!
We're getting closer...6
Uh-oh, here we go with 3

Nintendo started it off for me with a "D-pad, Select, Start, B, and A!"  That’s it! I didn’t have to worry about triggers or analog sticks or which of the 8 buttons was the jump button. 

I hate to drone on like an old man about the good ole days but seriously, it’s no joke trying to learn the art of gaming today.

So the next time you get frustrated because your child is stuck and they can’t quite figure out that the right analog stick is for the camera…don’t fret, just remember that back in the day our biggest worry was putting in the Konami code before playing Contra.  And yes I will take my own advice (or at least try)

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