Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Sharing is Caring...Games that is!

So it seems that in my circle of friends, I’m the go-to-guy with all things video games.  And the more I think about it I've always held that role which is one reason I started The Gamedom.  So the other day I walked into the break room and the first thing I heard was, “ASK AARON, he’ll tell you!”  And there I was thrust in the middle of a “which is better” argument.  For those wondering, they were arguing if Saints Row is better than Grand Theft Auto (GTA is technically the better game, but I prefer Saints Row a smidge more).  These interactions have become a common place for me, but as of recently my answers have been lacking substance.  I've already discussed my issues Blockbuster, Gamefly, and Redbox, so you should already know about my struggles playing the newest games. 

But fortunately, I've found a few spots to buy games for the cheap (much cheaper than Gamestop anyway) and in some instances you can also sell your games.  Check these sites out and make sure to prepare your budget because there's a good chance you're going to be spending some money:




Go ahead and leave a comment if you have any other sites that are worthy (and helpful).

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