Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Fanboy, Please

Hey Fanboys!

Please. Stop. Just. Stop. It!

I know it seems hypocritical for me to call anyone a fanboy being that I only talk about Xbox 360, but in my defense I would so have a PS3 if I could afford one!  There are waaaaay too many great games out there to be played to let my biases deter me.  I mean, seriously, how many of ya’ll own stock in these companies to make you so loyal psychotic.  I always laugh out loud when I’m reading the comments section and I see two or more fanboys going back and forth about their preferred system or game.  

Freedom of Speech is an inalienable right and all, but just because you speak or think it doesn’t make it law.  Let’s put it to a test, I think Madden NFL 2005 was much better than NFL 2K5…but that’s just my opinion (and yes I played both games indiscriminately).  The difference with my statement and that of a fan boy would be, “MADDEN IS HANDZ DOWN THE BEST FOOTBALL SIM OF ALL TIME AND ALL OF YOU IDIOTS WHO PLAY 2K ARE OBVIOUSLY CHILDREN WHO ARE STILL SUCKLING AT THEIR MOMMIES TEATS!”  Now how idiotic does that look, but message boards are filled with this type of tomfoolery (side note, tomfoolery as a word is extremely underused only surpassed by miscreant).  This all came to a head when I watch two morons almost get into fisticuffs last night at Gamestop over which gaming system had the better game exclusives!  For the record, it’s Playstation, but that’s beside the point…there is never an appropriate reason/time/place to fight over a damn video game! 

I hate to say this, but dude grow the hell up, for everyone’s sake!

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