Thursday, February 14, 2013

Video game couples: Valentine's Day for all

Can you feel the love tonight…something, something, something.  I don't really know the lyrics but today is Valentine's Day.  Today is a day full of love, romance, and who am I kidding…today is just another made up holiday in which Hallmark and women are the only winners!
But I'm going to put my hatred of Valentine's Day to the side and put together a list of some of my favorite video game couples.

Tidas and Yuna (FFX)
                Square has a knack for heartwarming and tragic relationships and Tidas and Yuna are definitely reppin' the latter.  Tidas was able to traverse time and space a la John Carter to find his true love.  Now unfortunately he was destined to become that world's next villain; however Yuna's love was able to keep Tidas from becoming Sin.  It didn't stop him from disappearing but hey at least he wasn't Sin incarnate.

Cloud and Tifa (FFVII)
What guy hasn't pretended to be something they're not, just to get in good with a girl?  I've been with my wife almost 10 years and I'm still pretending like I'm cool!  Sure Cloud was pretending to be Zach, but that was because of memory problems.  Nevertheless, Tifa stood by him and helped him regain his memory and helped him save the world!  Now that is a "Round the way" girl.

Dominic and Maria Santiago (GoW 2)
                As any married man will tell you…there are no limits when it comes to family.  Those limits become slightly easier to overcome when you have a chainsaw mounted to your assault rifle.  Unfortunately, their onscreen time is cut short…being that fact that Maria is captured and tortured by the Locust and Dom shoots her.  But right before he shoots her, he gets to see her one last time in her "beautiful," natural state.  Its also possible Dom was hallucinating from toxin gas in the cave.

Mario and Princess Peach
                Mario and Peach are the OG's of video game love!  I mean forget bringing chocolates; Mario's willing to eat magic mushrooms, flowers, and feathers to save his love.  As a whole fellas we can't compare to Mario, but don't be afraid to follow suit and definitely don't be afraid to eat giant mushrooms so you can "grow!"  Mario has endured many a hater trying to steal his woman; a tie wearing gorilla, a giant fire-breathing tortoise, and an evil doppelganger.  But none of his haters can hold him back!

Commander Sheppard and Ashley Williams (Mass Effect)
                Space…the final frontier!  Oops wrong sci-fi franchise.  In all seriously Commander Sheppard has kick some serious ass over and over again but he's also had his fare share of lady (alien) love.  Out of all the options, Ashley Williams provides the most earnest moments of the series.  I mean she recited William Earnest Henley's Invictus for cripes sakes.  Let's forget about Saren, the Geth, the Collectors, and even the Reapers trying to destroy everything in sight, Sheppard and Ashley eschewed Alliance protocol in order to keep their love going.

Happy Valentine's Day people!


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