Saturday, December 22, 2012

We made it through the Apocalypse! REJOICE

According to the Mayans, the world was supposed to end on December 21st. In preparation of the apocalypse, I studied all of the end of the world scenarios just to be prepared for any and everything. Here are some of my findings.

So my first finding is that if it's an alien attack, then we need to think outside of the box because conventional weaponry probably wouldn't work.  Oh and I'm sure we'll need one hell of an inspirational speech right before the final battle to get us all hyped up.

Ok, so aliens aren't a threat this time around.  Fantastic, now we're dealing with the undead as zombies are running amuck across the globe.  I think we all know by now that destroying the brain is the key to stopping the zombies, but how long can you last alone?

And if worse comes to worse, here's to hoping there is a cure for zombie-ism...because you know love makes us all human

The most realistic study would be preparing for war.  Now as I've learned all you need is a few elite friends in the Armed Services to train you and you're now ready to take down whatever threat we might face.

Now if you don't feel the need to join a crack team, you could always do it alone...Hot Shot.

Now of course, I'm writing this on the 22nd, so obviously the Mayans were wrong but it won't be long before someone else claims to know when the end of the world is coming.  So hopefully, one of these examples will help you prepare!

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